With financial support from Vinnova, f3 acts as the Swedish advocacy platform towards Horizon 2020, The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

The fall will be an intense period of work, both within Horizon 2020 and for the long-term planning for bioenergy related R&I by the Commission. The ETIP Bioenergy steering committee, where f3 and several of f3’s partners have engaged active representatives, will have a meeting on October 10th.

During the same week, a kick-off will take place for the temporary working group for development of an implementation plan for bioenergy and renewable transportation fuels (Action 8) within the updated SET plan (Strategic Energy Technology Plan). The implementation plan will play an important role for the orientation of new reserach programs after 2020. At the end of October, the new working programs for the last period within Horizon 2020 (2018-2020) will be released with a deadline for the first applications in the end of January 2018.

For more information on f3’s international activities and collaborations, contact Ingrid Nyström.