Research for increased systems thinking
f3 Innovation Cluster for Sustaianable Biofuels has a long history of collaboration around system-related research on renewable fuels.
We want to enhance systems thinking among society’s stakeholders when it comes to the possibilities of biofuels to reduce CO2 emissions from the transport sector and contibute to making it fossil free.
There are three main challanges:
- Sustainable resources is a limited asset. It needs to be used where it can provide for the biggest possible climate benefit.
- Renewable transportation fuels must offer high climate efficiency. Renewable fuels need to be produced and used in a way that reduce CO2 emissions as much as possible. The raw material base as well as production techniques and knowledge of how to achieve the least possible climate impact for all types of renewable fuels must continue to be developed.
- Actual and rapid transition to renewable fuels is required. Increased knowledge alone is not enough – we need to realize actual change. Research shows that powerful, quick and at the same time long-term sustainable efforts are what is required from politicians, authorities and business.
125 research projects
Within f3 and with funds from f3 partners, a large number of research projects have been financed and carried out. During 2014-2021, f3 members also financed the collaborative research program Renewable transportation fuels and systems together with Swedish Energy Agency.
The first project, a pilot study on R&D challenges for Swedish biofuel stakeholders, was carried out in 2010. Since then, a total of 125 projects have been carried out, engaging over 300 individual participants from close to 90 organisations. In many cases, results have been published in peer reviewed papers.
Results from all reserch projects can be found in the publication library.