Research for increased systems thinking

f3 Innovation Cluster for Sustaianable Biofuels has a long history of collaboration around system-related research on renewable fuels.

We want to enhance systems thinking among society’s stakeholders when it comes to the possibilities of biofuels to reduce CO2 emissions from the transport sector and contibute to making it fossil free.

There are three main challanges:

  1. Sustainable resources is a limited asset. It needs to be used where it can provide for the biggest possible climate benefit.
  2. Renewable transportation fuels must offer high climate efficiency. Renewable fuels need to be produced and used in a way that reduce CO2 emissions as much as possible. The raw material base as well as production techniques and knowledge of how to achieve the least possible climate impact for all types of renewable fuels must continue to be developed.
  3. Actual and rapid transition to renewable fuels is required. Increased knowledge alone is not enough – we need to realize actual change. Research shows that powerful, quick and at the same time long-term sustainable efforts are what is required from politicians, authorities and business.

125 research projects

Within f3 and with funds from f3 partners, a large number of research projects have been financed and carried out. During 2014-2021, f3 members also financed the collaborative research program Renewable transportation fuels and systems together with Swedish Energy Agency.

The first project, a pilot study on R&D challenges for Swedish biofuel stakeholders,  was carried out in 2010. Since then, a total of 125 projects have been carried out, engaging over 300 individual participants from close to 90 organisations. In many cases, results have been published in peer reviewed papers.

Results from all reserch projects can be found in the publication library.

Ongoing research projects

The member organisations in f3 take active part in research with aims to produce results that can contribute to the transition to a fossil-independent transport sector with the help of sustainable biofuels.

Below are examples of ongoing research projects in which f3 members participate in.

Where do the future greenhouse gas emissions of the freight transport sector occur?

The project aims to evaluate the magnitude and distribution of the total transport-related emissions from Swedish freight transports today and in the future. The analysis will demonstrate the extent to which other sectors are affected by transport-related emissions and how…

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Project manager: Kristina Holmgren, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Climate impact of carbon efficient forest-based value chains

The project investigates how forest residues and industrial side-streams can effectively support the phase-out of fossil fuels and mitigate climate change in the energy sector and society. The objective is to evaluate the climate impact of carbon-efficient value chains within…

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Project manager: Olivia Cintas Sanchez, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Increasing the climate benefits of bioenergy by including the carbon opportunity cost of biomass in energy system models

Most energy system models that analyze future energy scenarios assume that all bioenergy sources are carbon-neutral. In this project, we aim to utilize two reputable models to calculate the carbon alternative cost for various bioenergy resources. Subsequently, these estimates will…

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Project manager: Lina Reichenberg, Chalmers University of Technology

Classification and sustainability criteria for renewable fuels in the EU – what actually applies?

The EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED) includes a standardized methodology to classify and calculate greenhouse gas emissions from fuels, ensuring their sustainability. However, there are uncertainties regarding its application for certain cases, such as mixed feedstocks or integrated facilities. This…

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Project manager: Karin Pettersson, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

GotBio: Potential of bio-based energy in carbon neutral scenarios of Gotland

Gotland has been commissioned to drive the transition by acting as a pilot area for a sustainable energy system. The industry and the transport sector contribute to a large share of carbon emissions on the Island. This project aims to…

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Project manager: Sofia Klugman, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

Policy Instruments for Fossil Free Freight (PIFF)

The project analyzes policy instruments that can contribute to reduced greenhouse gas emissions in the freight transport sector while maintaining or increasing Sweden’s competitiveness. The goal is creating knowledge and recommendations on which cost-effective control measures to implement to achieve…

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Project manager: Yvonne Andersson-Sköld, VTI Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute

From fossil to bio – climate impact of fuel distribution (FIBER)

Transport logistics around biofuels are far from as well developed as the logistics linked to oil and petroleum, which have economies of scale and well-established distribution nodes. The study will investigate and map what implications changes in fuel use for…

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Project manager: Nanna Fukoshima, VTI Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute

CESTAP, Competence cEntre in Sustainable Turbine fuels for Aviation and Power

CESTAP promotes production and use of efficient, sustainable, and cost-effective turbine fuels that ultimately can be used as true mono-fuels, completely replacing fossil fuels in stationary gas turbines and aviation jet engines. CESTAP includes stakeholders from the whole value chain.

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A flexible bioeconomy – key factor for investments in biorefineries

Market risks related to future developments in feedstock and product markets limits investments in large-scale biorefineries and the use of national sustainable bio resources. Flexible value chains and technologies could provide robustness given uncertain future markets.

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Project manager: Elisabeth Wetterlund, Luleå University of Technology

Costs for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from road and air transport

The cost for reducing greenhouse gas emissions is central from both a socio-economic and business perspective, and depends on the cost of fuel production and the greenhouse gas reduction the fuel provides. This project will show CO2 abatement costs for…

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Project manager: Julia Hansson, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

ECO-FORCE FUELS: Green renewable shipping fuels

The project aims to produce low-emission marine biofuels via complete conversion of forest residues that can be blended with conventional petroleum-based oil to comply with existing fuel standards and strict emission regulations. This will result in affordable and renewable marine fuel.

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Project manager: Pavlos Christakopoulos, Luleå University of Technology

The future of biofuel production in the EU

Changes in the policy landscape due to increased climate ambitions is expected to increase biofuel demand and affect the EU market. How will this develop until 2030 and how can industrial infrastructure for biofuel production facilitate transition in other sectors?…

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Project manager: Jonas Zetterholm, RISE

Climate-sensitive decision support for freight transport planning and policy-making

An AI-based tool for climate-sensitive decision support, can help authorities that plan, operate and control the transport system to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions from freight transport. The tool will deliver high-resolution analyzes that enable effective climate-relevant transport policy instruments.

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Project manager: Gunnar Flötteröd, VTI

The role of bioenergy to achieve energy and climate goals

This project describes how the role and function of biomass to achieve energy and climate goals will change until 2050 when surrounding systems become fossil free. One goal is to identify flexible bioenergy systems that avoid the risk of lock-ins…

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Project manager: Pål Börjesson, Lund University

Strategies for reduced CO2 emissions through shore-connected electricity for freight shipping

When cargo ships are stationary at the quay, the auxiliary engines are powered by marine fuel, which gives rise to CO2 emissions. Replacing marine fuel with shore-connected electricity would reduce fuel use and carbon dioxide emissions.

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Project manager: Henrik Sjöstrand, VTI

Potential and conditions for converting Swedish shipping to fossil-free propulsion

Greenhouse gas emissions from shipping are increasing. The project will improve knowledge of the conditions for implementing alternative propulsion technologies and fuels today, in 2030 and in 2045. The technologies are propulsion with electricity, biofuels, fuel cells with hydrogen gas,…

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