On 19th October, the Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises’ sustainability award 2022 was awarded to BRA, Braathens Regional Airlines, in competition with two finalists.

The statement is that BRA’s forward-looking sustainability work is based on equal parts investments in technology and curiosity about business models and customer behaviour, which means that the company is at the forefront of a technology shift.

BRA regards f3 as a central player for an actual transition to renewable fuels and thus chosen to donate the prize sum of 50,000 SEK to f3.

f3’s director Ingrid Nohlgren reacted with joy and pride to the announcement:

– The fact that BRA chooses f3 as the receiver of the sustainability award is proof of the need for research and networking concerning the development of biofuels and electrofuels. We will use the prize money to continue developing f3’s network and in the long run we have the goal that it contributes to increased production and use of biojet for aviation, she says.

Read the full press release from BRA.

The photo depicts Ulrika Matsgård, CEO of Braathens Regional Airlines. (Photo: BRA)

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