A network for enhanced knowledge and increased use of biofuels
f3 Innovation Cluster for Sustainable Biofuels is a network organization with a long history of stakeholder collaboration around system-related research on renewable fuels.
Industry, universities, institutes, and authorities participate in f3. Together, the members create new collaborations, increase knowledge, and identify obstacles and possible solutions for an actual and rapid transition to renewable fuels in the transport sector.
Aim and goal
f3’s overarching goal is to contribute to actual and rapid transition to renewable fuels in the transport sector, hereby providing conditions to reach set climate and sustainability goals without negatively impacting other goals. We do this by
- creating new cooperation and strengthen existing cooperation,
- increasing the knowledge about sustainable biofuels,
- strengthening the understanding of systemic relationships and promoting the use of results and insights from systems research,
- identifying barriers, critical issues and possible solutions for continued development of renewable fuels, and
- facilitating the development of new cooperative consortia.
In the long term, the cluster’s work will contribute to a clearly expanded production of biofuels from sustainable bio-based raw materials in Sweden, the development of a long-term climate-efficient and sustainable transport sector, and to a long-term competitive bio-based Swedish industry.
Funding and organisation
f3 Innovation Cluster for Sustainable Biofuels brings together universities, institutes and industry, all of which co-finance the cluster together with the Swedish Energy Agency.
The cluster is a joint open platform where the activities are developed by the cluster members. It is led by Chalmers Industriteknik, who is responsible for operating the process and facilitating and creating conditions for carrying out the cluster’s activities.
f3 members include Sweden’s most active universities and research institutes within the field, as well as a broad range of industry companies with high relevance.
f3 has no political agenda and does not conduct lobbying activities for specific fuels or systems, nor for the f3 partners’ respective areas of interest.
Currently, there are 18 members in f3.

Partially financed by

Host organisation for the innovation cluster