The EU has declared a 10 percent goal of renewable fuels in the transportation sector by the year 2020. To accomplish this there is a need for sound alternatives to fossil fuels that take into account different solutions for different locations and purposes.

Earlier this year, the current Swedish government investigation concerning a future fossil free transport sector, Utredningen om FossilFri Fordonstrafik, gave f3 the assignment to describe the current knowledge status concerning future transportation fuels and their sustainability. This is one of several reports that form the basis for the investigation.

After being thoroughly reviewed, the report has been approved and is available here (in Swedish). The f3 report discusses both sustainability issues of renewable transportation fuels and various production options. It includes a broad review of for instance energy balances, GHG emissions and production costs of these fuels.

On the f3 website you can find an executive summary of the report, as well as a feature article on the subject (both in Swedish).

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