On April 12, the Swedish Parliament’s Committee on transport and communications had an open hearing concerning the publication of an extensive report titled Fossilfria drivmedel för att minska transportsektorns klimatpåverkan – flytande, gasformiga och elektriska drivmedel inom vägtrafik, sjöfart, luftfart och spårbunden trafik (English translation: Fossil free transportaion fuels for climate impact reduction of the transport sector – Liquid, gaseous and electric transportation fuels for road, marine, air and rail road traffic).
The hearing, lead by the Committee chair Karin Svensson Smith, consisted of a summary of the results from the work behind the report, followed by the view of relevant research, authorities and industry representatives on different aspects of the field. Among the presenters were Johanna Mossberg, RISE and former manager of the f3 centre, and Pål Börjesson, former representative in f3 for Lund University. Both have been part of the reference group for the report.
Research reports and other material from f3 and the collaborative research program Renewable transportation fuels and systems financed by f3 and Swedish Energy Agency have been used as background material in several parts of the report. A complete list of the f3 references is available here.
The following links can be visited for more information (in Swedish):
- Webcast: Open hearing on fossil independent transportation fuels
- Report: Fossilfria drivmedel för att minska transportsektorns klimatpåverkan – flytande, gasformiga och elektriska drivmedel inom vägtrafik, sjöfart, luftfart och spårbunden trafik (2017/18:RFR 13)
- Sveriges radio, Vetandets värld 12 April 2018: Så kan Sveriges transporter bli fossilfria.