Close to 60 people attended the seminar Feedstock for sustainable biofuel production, co-arranged by f3, Bio4Energy and SLU at SLU in Umeå on 6 February. The seminar opened with short presentations of the organizers, represented by Johanna Mossberg, f3 (seen in photo), Joakim Lundgren, Bio4Energy, and Erik Fahlbeck, SLU, and their current activities in the field.
The program as a whole offered perspectives on the forest as a source of biomass for biofuel production. It covered the views and works of researchers and stakeholders regarding tailor-made feedstock, bio-economy development key challenges, issues of integrating production in existing plants, and assessment methods and their consequences when it comes to calculation of the utilization of forest resources. Participants also had the opportunity to go to Biomass Technology Centre (BTC) in Umeå and the BioEndev torrefaction demonstration plant in Holmsund for study visits.
f3 wishes to thank all speakers, seminar participants, Bio4Energy, SLU in Umeå and the staff at BTC and BioEndev respectively for an interesting day with great insights in current and important questions and challenges regarding biofuel production from forest feedstock.
If you wish to access the seminar presentations, contact the f3 centre office.
Photo: Emmi Voogand, f3 centre.
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