About the project
The project summarizes the most promising biochemical production routes for integrated production of ethanol and biogas (together with electricity, heat, lignin etc.) from lignocellulosic biomass. The routes are analyzed from a resource, energy, environmental and cost efficiency point of view, based on research and development activities at the participating partners in the project.
The technical implementation potential is assessed for existing infrastructure in Swedish district heating systems (DHS), forest industries, and ethanol plants, and as stand-alone co-production plants. Also, the corresponding regional potential of feedstock supply from agriculture and forestry which fulfill relevant sustainability criteria is assessed.
The synthesis, which also includes a comparison with the performance of current ethanol and biogas production systems from a life cycle perspective, will be a valuable decision support for policy makers in their effort to develop efficient incentives to accelerate the implementation of innovative biofuel production systems, and for industry when planning for investments.
Pål Börjesson, Lund University
Zsolt Barta, Lovisa Björnsson, Anna Ekman, Emma Krueger and Ola Wallberg, Lund University // Serina Ahlgren, Per-Anders Hansson, Hanna Karlsson, Anna Schnürer, Mats Sandgren and Stefan Trobro, SLU // Jan Lindstedt, SEKAB // Per Erlandsson and Sofie Villman, Lantmännen
Time plan
October 2011 - December 2012
Total project cost
1 210 000 SEK
The f3 partners, Lund University, SLU, SEKAB and Lantmännen