About the project

Increased use of wood-based biofuels and electricity for transportation is singled out as a key part of the transition towards a fossil-free society and a fossil-independent transport sector. This study compares different biofuels, including electricity, as an energy carrier from a techno-economic WtW-perspective. Also key figures in the form of GHG emissions and energy efficiency  are included. The goal has been to produce results that show the transport efficiency for each biofuel in the form of SEK/km, kWh/km and CO2eq/km, and compare them with fossil alternatives. The project also adopts a producer perspective to show the conditions for profitable biofuel production.

Emphasis is placed on comparisons made with consistent assumptions for the studied value chains and on studying how changes in the different parameters affect the transport efficiency of the various alternatives. What limits the potential of the different options is also discussed.


Karin Pettersson, RISE


Henrik Gåverud and Martin Gjörling, Sweco // Mårten Larsson, Lantmännen (earlier at Sweco) // Rickard Fornell, RISE // Peter Berglund Odhner, Skåne County Administrative Board (earlier at Sweco) // Eric Zinn, Göteborg Energi AB

Time plan
September 2016 - April 2019

Total project cost
1 429 856 SEK

Swedish Energy Agency, the f3 partners, RISE, Sweco Energiguide and Göteborg Energi AB

Swedish Energy Agency's project number within the collaborative research program

A reference group has been connected to the project, consisting of members from E.on, Volvo and Svebio.