How can alternative technologies improve bio oil production? What role can renewable fuels play in the marine sector? In which way can different policy instruments contribute to the commercialization of future biorefineries and the production of renewable transportation fuels?
These questions will be investigated in three out of six new projects, starting this fall. They are the result of the spring call for projects within the collaborative research program that f3 runs together with the Swedish Energy Agency. Click on any title below to read more about the specific projects. The full list of active projects is found on the site of current research.
- An innovation policy framework and policy options for the development of biorefineries. Participants: Chalmers: Hans Hellsmark, Luleå University of Technology, IVL, Göteborg Energi, Preem & Perstorp.
- Long-term sustainability evaluation of fossil free fuels production concepts. Participants: Chalmers, Luleå University of Technology & Lund University.
- Determination of potential improvements in bio-oil production (ImprOil). Participants: Innventia, Chalmers, Preem & ÅF Industry.
- Prospects for renewable marine fuels.Participants: IVL & Chalmers
- Techno-economics of long and short term technology pathways for renewable transportation fuel production. Participants: Luleå University of Technology, Innventia & Preem
- Sustainable transportation fuels – a techno-economic WtW analysis. Participants: Chalmers, Sweco & Göteborg Energi
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