The full compilation is currently only available in Swedish.
In Sweden, renewable fuels are produced that are used for low blend in fossil fuel and diesel as well as high blend or pure biofuels. Here, the status of existing and planned facilities for the production of different types of renewable fuels within the country’s borders is compiled.
The compilation includes both biofuels and electrofuels. It is based on future production capacity as announced in July 2023, in terms of concrete facilities. Capacity as part of more overall targets is not included. The production is presented based on the maximum capacity of each plant and not based on historical or expected actual production. Finally, the compilation is based on the production of fuel that could be used for the transport sector (with current fuel markets) – the actual use of the fuel is not specified, neither with respect to which sector, nor whether it is within Sweden or abroad.
Currently, the total maximum production capacity is about 10 TWh, which corresponds to roughly half of the biofuel use in Sweden’s domestic transport. [1] However, actual production is normally lower. This is explained by difficulties to maintain optimal economic and technical operating conditions for all plants. If all planned facilities were to be realized, this corresponds to a fivefold increase in the existing production capacity until about 2030 (see Table 1 in PDF). To avoid double-counting, intermediate products are not included, as these are used as raw materials for the production of one of the final fuels.
Based on the compilation of total production, the following more comprehensive reflections can be made:
- The planned increase in production of liquid fuel from biomass is very large. Most of it can be linked to former oil refineries, but there are also plans for new biorefineries with different techniques for liquefaction. In these, the share of other biofuels than diesel, e.g. jet fuel and biogasoline, is generally expected to increase.
- There are significant plans for the production of electrofuels, so far mainly aimed at the production of methanol for ships and aviation fuels.
- For the production of gaseous fuels, current plans involve a strong shift from CBG to LBG.
- Only a small part of planned facilities (e.g. SkyFuelH2 and SCA Östrand) can be linked to the use of gasification technology, and planned facilities for the production of gaseous fuels through gasification are completely absent.
The more detailed compilation is divided into two chapters: liquid and gaseous fuels. Plant data is based on Bioenergitidningen’s compilation Biodrivmedel i Norden 2022 [2] (Biofuels in the Nordics 2022), but has been supplemented and updated based on publicly available data. The information relating to industry stakeholders that are member so of f3 has been confirmed directly with those companies.
The full compilation is available the PDF.