The registration for the 2018 conference within the Swedish Energy Agency and f3 collaborative research program Renewable transportation fuels and systems, held in Stockholm 22 November, is now open! The Swedish title “Flera filer mot framtidens förnybara drivmedel” could be translated to “Multi-lane roads towards renewable transportation fuels of the future” and refers to the need of paralel solutions in order to reach the goal of a fossil-independent vehicle fleet in Sweden by 2030.
Besides invited speakers and presentations of interesting results from projects, the conference program includes a Pitch & Match session in which possible future project ideas from the conference participants will be briefly presented. The purpose of the session is to create an arena for stakeholders to connect and discuss potential cooperation in the future, e.g. in applications within the research program. Read more and submit your idea here.
Read more and register here. (NB: The conference will be held in Swedish.)