About the project

The project investigates the current state of knowledge and identifies knowledge gaps related to land use linked to biofuel production. The main focus is on impacts related to Swedish production of biofuels.

Land use change issues have generated a large volume of research throughout the world. Though many facts have been scientifically established, divergent opinions also occur. It is difficult to grasp what the scientific community as a whole knows and thinks on these matters. This project therefore collects and compiles the research results on three important subject areas: Biodiversity and soil chemistry, Indirect land use (ILUC) and climate change, and Socioeconomic impacts and policy development.

Information on what is scientifically known in these subject areas, and what impacts of todays and future biofuel production could be, is important to Swedish industry policy-makers in order to obtain a solid basis for investments, strategic decisions and development of policies on future biofuel production.


Jonas Höglund, earlier at IVL


Karin Hansen, Mathias Gustavsson and Julia Hansson, IVL // Serina Ahlgren and Pål Börjesson, Lund University // Cecilia Sundberg, Jan-Olof Helldin and Elham Ahmadi Moghaddam, SLU // Maria Grahn and Martin Persson, Chalmers // Christel Cederberg, SP-SIK

Time plan
October 2011 - December 2012

Total project cost
1 360 000 SEK

The f3 partners, IVL, Chalmers and SP-SIK