About the project
A general problem for biogas of vehicle fuel grade is cost- and energy efficient transportation and storage. One potential option could be to convert the biogas to gas hydrate, for further transport and upgrading to e.g. vehicle gas in a large scale. Hydrate is ice-like crystals that form at low temperature and high pressure.
The study has investigated the possibilities for formation of gas hydrates from biogas, by applying comparative system analyses with respect to economy and energy. The report includes a comparison of three scenarios for converting farm-produced biogasto vehicle fuel quality gas including conventional upgrading and transport in pressurized vessels and two future-oriented scenarios based on formation, transport and dissociation of gas hydrates.
Ida Norberg, earlier at JTI (SP)
Johan Andersson and Pernilla Tidåker, JTI (SP) // Åke Nordberg and Anders Larsolle, SLU // Sven-Olov Holm and Lars Magnusson, MetaHyd AB // Johanna Berlin, SP
Time plan
October 2012 - October 2013
Total project cost
722 000 SEK
The f3 partners, JTI (SP), SLU and SP