About the project
The sustainability of biofuels for transport is often expressed as their possibility to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions compared to conventional fossil fuels. But the production and use of transport fuel s also result in other environmental impact and social/socioeconomic consequences.
This project has aimed at a Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) for transport fuels based on different life cycle methods. An LCSA integrates environmental, social and economic aspects in one analysis. The project is a continuation of a previous project.
The targets of this new project have been to
- deepen the analysis of social impact for the 3-4 fuel chains with high risks in the earlier project
- try to integrate positive and negative social aspects
- further develop the LCSA methodology and apply this on transport fuels
- discuss the importance for policy development in the area.
Final reportFacts
Elisabeth Ekener, KTH
Julia Hansson, Mathias Gustavsson, Jacob Lindberg, Felipe Oliveira and Jonathan Wranne, IVL // Philip Peck, Lund University (IIIEE) // Aron Larsson, Stockholm University
Time plan
September 2014 - September 2016
Total project cost
1 997 500 SEK
Swedish Energy Agency, the f3 partners, KTH, IVL and Lund University
Swedish Energy Agency's project number within the collaborative research program