About the project

Today, the global interest in methane as a transportation fuel is growing rapidly due to the expanded recovery of shale gas. The use is also expanding in Sweden, but there are several technical solutions regarding upgrading, distribution and final use in vehicles, which are not yet fully commercialized.

The METDRIV project analyses different technical solutions and system solutions of methane as a vehicle fuel from a gate-to-wheel perspective, including comparisons between bio-based  (anaerobic digestion and thermal gasification) systems and natural gas (fossil) systems. The objectives have been to describe under which conditions the systems are preferable, and to identify knowledge gaps where more research and development is needed. The analysed parameters are greenhouse gas performance, energy efficiency, and costs. Finally, recommendations are given to commercial actors and policy makers regarding which solutions and systems that should be promoted from a socio-economic perspective.


Pål Börjesson, Lund University


Mikael Lantz, Jim Andersson, Lovisa Björnsson, Christian Hulteberg and Helena Svensson, Lund University // Joakim Lundgren and Jim Andersson, Bio4Energy (LTU) // Björn Fredriksson-Möller, E.on // Magnus Fröberg and Eva Iverfeldt, Scania // Per Hanarp and Anders Röj, Volvo // Eric Zinn, Göteborg Energi

Time plan
July 2014 - June 2015

Total project cost
2 408 305 SEK

Swedish Energy Agency, the f3 partners, Lund University, Bio4Energy (LTU), AB Volvo, Scania, Göteborg Energi and E.on.

Swedish Energy Agency's project number within the collaborative research program