– It’s not about choosing one single fuel, says f3 Senior Advisor Ingrid Nyström, who is one of the speakers at the IVA seminar “Vägen till framtidens hållbara drivmedel” (“The road to the future’s sustainable transportation fuels”) to be held on February 8. I will talk about the role of renewable fuels in a sustainable transport system and the factors that decide which path to take, she continues.

– I believe that there are great opportunities in Sweden to build on existing systems to reach a higher degree of sustainability, declares Ingrid Nyström. We have feedstock, production processes and vehicles with development potential. In order to reach the goals, collaboration between different actors, like the forest industry, refineries and fuel producers, is needed as well as a combination of different solutions – not just one, she continues.

One of f3:s important missions is to disseminate the vast knowledge that the knowledge centre possesses in the area of biofuels through the network of partners, researchers and partners involved. To talk at the IVA (The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences ) seminar is a good opportunity to inform interested parties about the current situation for and the potential of renewable fuels in Sweden as well as their role in a sustainable society. f3 is also a good example of what can be achieved in terms of knowledge and development when different actors work together.

– My message is, says Ingrid Nyström, that we need to work together trying to find synergies – the goal is the important thing. A lot of things different things are needed to reach the goal – all equally important. And we cannot choose between electricity and biofuels – we need both!

She also wants to stress that there are a lot of technical possibilities to produce transportation fuels with good sustainability at a reasonable cost. The fuels produced in Sweden today, like ethanol from wheat, HVO from forest feedstock and RME from renewable methanol, using energy-efficient processes and renewable energy, are good examples.

Read more about the IVA seminar (in Swedish)

f3 Senior Advisor Ingrid Nyström.

Photo: Linus Wiklander

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