This year, f3 partners gathered for two days in Norrköping on September 26-27. The yearly event is arranged in order to discuss current strategic issues of the centre, today and for the future. Almost all partners were represented, leading to constructive and inspirational discussions about experiences on one hand and expectations on the other, as the second phase of the centre will be coming to an end in December 2017. An assessment of the second phase will be performed in cooperation with the Swedish Energy Agency (SEA).

We have earlier posted news on six projects starting this fall, covering areas like the role of renewable fuels in the marine sector, and how policy instruments can help commercialize future production in biorefineries. In Norrköping, the participants were presented with these six projects. All in all, the f3 centre and SEA now has 23 projects running within the collaborative research program Renewable transportation fuels and systems. Four projects have finished, and several more are on their way to deliver results.

The second day was spent at Lantmännen Agroetanol’s plant at Händelö. The participants were welcomed by Andreas Gundberg, Technology and innovation manager and also Lantmännen’s coordinator for f3, before starting the program with a seminar on the work and conditions for f3’s role as the Swedish advocacy platform in ETIP (formerly EBTP, European Biofuels Technology Platform). Invited speakers Lisa Lundmark, SEA, Berta Matas Guell, Sintef/EERA JP Bioenergy, and Ingvar Landälv, Luleå University of Technology, gave interesting presentations explaining the structure, organization of and relationships between different programs and research efforts within EU.

Finishing the two day-meeting, the participants were introduced to Lantmännen’s work in the area of renewable transportation fuels. Andreas Gundberg held a short presentation before taking the whole group of participants on a guided tour around the plant.

The f3 office management wishes to thank hosts Linköping University and Lantmännen as well as all participants for contributing to two fruitful days.

Photos: Andreas Gundberg (left), Visitors at Lantmännen Agroetanol (right). (c) Emmi Voogand, f3 centre.

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