The Climate KIC supported project RENJET has investigated future renewable jet fuel supply chains. Sweden was selected as a case region for analysis of different supply chain configurations for the production of forest-based jet fuel, and the analysis was performed using a geographically explicit optimization approach similar to the BeWhere Sweden model, which has been developed within previous projects within f3 and the collaborative research program Renewable transportation fuels and systems.

The collaborative f3 project Optimization of biofuel supply chains based on liquefaction technologies was  initiated because data and results from BeWhere Sweden was believed to significantly improve the analysis within RENJET. Another objective was to establish international collaboration with a research group of significance to the f3 centre scope. The f3 project performed a techno-economic analysis of different supply chain configurations for the production of drop-in biofuels using liquefaction technologies in Sweden with the aim to identify the least cost alternative, including suitable locations. Results are now available.

The project leader for the f3 project has been Elisabeth Wetterlund, researcher at LTU and f3 coordinator for Bio4energy. She is also involved in the BeWhere project series mentioned above and reports that interesting synergies and added value has been created with this newly realized project.

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