Despite over 20 years of use as a transportation fuel in Sweden, and a production, distribution and use established at a commercial scale in the more heavily populated areas of the country, the use of biogas is still limited in comparison to other established renewable transportation fuels fuels such as hydrotreated vegetable oils (HVO) or fatty acid methyl esters (FAME).
Stefan Grönkvist, KTH, has led a newly finished project within the Swedish Energy Agency and f3 collaborative research program Renewable transportation fuels and systems that has aimed to increase the knowledge about the conditions for biogas development in the transport sector by presenting, discussing, and analyzing the views from actors involved in biogas production and use of biogas in transport. Another objective has been to provide insights about policy instrument that promote and may promote biogas development, considering – but not limited to – the actors’ perspective. The report from the project is thus intended to support policy decision makers.
The project is titled Biogas in the transport sector – An actor and policy analysis is presented as a case study of the Stockholm region. It is designed in a way that the results should be relevant also on the national level. The biogas market is viewed as a socio-technical system and the approach includes intensive contacts with the actors.
Due to peer review of an article from the project, the full report can not be published yet but can be requested on demand (contact the project manager). In the mean time, a summary for policy makers is available in Swedish, as well as an earlier produced article.
The full report and second article will be made available as soon as possible.