Looking towards the year 2030, what are the realistic assumptions that could be made about the contribution of LBG in Sweden? This question was asked in the newly finished f3 project Prospects for renewable LBG in Sweden in 2030. The project has mapped possibilities for LBG production and compared them with scenarios regarding the predicted demand from road transport, shipping and industry.
Results show that heavy vehicles account for the greatest demand in all scenarios for reasons such as heavy vehicles are considered to be commercially available, the infrastructure is expanding, subsidies are proposed and a market segment is deemed to be available when HVO to a large extent is used for blending into diesel. Shipping and industry account for a smaller share of demand in one of the scenarios. Shipping and industry using LNG could in the future switch from LNG to LBG. Currently, price determines which fuel is used.
The project report is available in Swedish on the project site. A short English summary is included.