The Norwegian application for the establishment for an FME centre* within bioenergy with the ambition of a sustainable production of biofuels and related energy products has recently been awarded, and granted funding. The centre will be called Norwegian Centre for Sustainable Bio-based Fuels and Energy, abbreviated NorSusBio, and is hosted by NMBU, Norwegian University of Life Sciences in Ås.

The NorSusBio Centre is the result of a common effort between research institutes, universities and user partners which share the common ambition of a sustainable production of biofuels and related energy products.

f3 has been in support of the efforts of NorSusBio and are currently in discussions to structure a constructive collaboration between the two centres.

* The objective of the scheme for Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME) is to establish time-limited research centres which conduct concentrated, focused and long-term research of high international calibre in order to solve specific challenges in the field (Source: SINTEF).

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