About the project
Sustainability performance of biofuels is often evaluated using life cycle assessment (LCA). Based on this method standardized guidelines has been laid down in the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED), commonly used by the industry. Biorefineriesproducing a variety of co-products, poses particular challenges for the sustainability assessment methodologies.
In the previous f3 project Sustainable performance of lignocellulose-based ethanol and biogas co-produced in innovative biorefinery systems, the GHG performance of ethanol and biogas co-produced in biorefineries from a lignocellulosic feedstock were calculated, applying the RED methodology.
The aim in this project has been to study aspects which are not included in the RED methodology. A specific emphasis was laid on methodological choices such as handling of co-products, functional unit, system boundaries etc. The results and methods are also discussed in relation to the RED methodology.
The results can be used to identify future research needs, but also be useful for future policymaking regarding e.g. use of lignocellulosic feedstock or biorefining and for industry.
Serina Ahlgren, earlier at SLU
Hanna Karlsson and Per-Anders Hansson, SLU // Pål Börjesson, Lund University
Time plan
April - September 2013
Total project cost
265 000 SEK
The f3 partners, SLU and Lund University