One specific objective of Horizon 2020 is “to achieve a European transport system that is resource-efficient, climate- and environmentally-friendly, safe and seamless for the benefit of all citizens, the economy and society”.

Because of the increasing carbon footprint of the European transport sector, a broad range of measures are needed. These include a shift towards electric drives and sustainably produced biofuels – the latter especially for freight and heavy transport. Further, sustainably managed forests in Europe provide a large, and continuously increasing, amount of raw-materials for a large variety of products, including almost carbon dioxide neutral bio-energy.

This was the focus of the successful Brussels seminar ”Innovation in Forest, Fuel, Freight” on Thursday April 28th, which attracted almost 40 participants. The participants – representing the European Commission, national representations to the EU, technology platforms, interest organizations and industry – engaged in vivid discussions about challenges of sustainable transportation and forestry and about R&I actions needed to utilize their potentials.

The event was organized by f3, together with the advocacy platforms SusFor and Forum for Transport Innovation.

Presentations from the seminar are available here:

Strategy and Advocacy Platforms: The Swedish system for Horizon 2020 (Anna Tranberg, Vinnova)Forestry in the biobased economy (Johan Elvnert, The forest-baset Sector Technology Platform, FTP)Sustainable Forestry (Lars Högbom, Skogforsk – Forest Research Institute of Sweden)Innovation in Forest, Fuel and Freight (Matthias Maedge, Natural & bio Gas Vehicle Association, NGVA Europe)Sustainable fuels – Breaking the blend walls (Pål Börjesson, Environmental and Energy Systems Studies, Lund University)Cooperative ITS Corridor: Rotterdam – Frankfurt – Vienna (Fred Verweij, Rijkswaterstaat Water, Traffic and the Environment)European Truck Platooning Challenge 2016 (Odile Arbeit de Chalendar, Council of European Road Directors, CEDR)


Photo: Lars Högbom

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