On February 3, f3 and SFC (The Swedish Centre for Biomass Gasification) co-arranged a half-day seminar titled Full speed towards a fossil free transport sector? Perspectives on gasification based biofuels and the role of pilot and demonstration plants in Gothenburg. The seminar was attended by approximately 120 participants from universities, research institutes and industry all over Sweden. In addition to the seminar, study visits to Preem Göteborg (production of renewable diesel and gasoline based on tall oil and other residues) and Göteborg Energi's GoBiGas plant (gasification of forest residues for production of biogas ) were organized.

The presentations are now available below (click on the title).

f3 and SFC wish to thank all speakers, study visit hosts and participants for an interesting day!


f3 and SFC: A short introduction and presentation of current activitiesJohanna Mossberg, director f3 and Joakim Lundgren, director SFC

Systems perspective on gasification based biofuels

Methane as vehicle fuel – identifying system solutions with superior performancePål Börjesson, Professor, Environmental and Energy Systems Studies, Lund UniversityCost-efficient plant localization? – characteristics of “sweet spots” for biofuel productionElisabeth Wetterlund, Associate Senior Lecturer, Energy Science, Luleå University of Technology

Commercializing the Bio-based Economy

Policy for successful demonstrations? -Reflections from a technological research perspectiveHenrik Thunman, Professor, Energy and Environment, Chalmers University of TechnologyPilot and Demonstration Plants in Innovation Policy and ManagementPatrik Söderholm, Professor, Business Administration, Luleå University of Technology

International inspiration

Advanced biofuels strategy to 2030 for the Finnish bioeconomyNils-Olov Nylund, Research Professor, VTT (Cancelled due to illness)The role of demonstration plants – a Canadian perspectiveDon Smith, Scientific Director & CEO, BioFuelNet, Canada

Study visits

The Gobigas project – Vision and RealityFreddy Tengberg, Project Director, Göteborg Energi AB

After the seminar, the participants had the opportunity to visit the Gobigas plant.Photo: Marie Mattiasson

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