In its role as Swedish advocacy platform, f3 took part in the info day on the Horizon 2020 Work programme 2016-2017 ‘Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy’ in Brussels on September 14-15. In the biofuel sector four clearly relevant calls are present (LCE 08, 19, 20 & 22), but there are a number of other calls that might also be of relevance for actors in the biofuel sector. In addition to a presentation of the call contents, useful information on writing applications, on the importance of a carefully prepared communication plan as well as on other European programmes and networks was provided.

The draft work programmes are publicly available on the EC website  and are planned to be published as final in mid-October. A website containing specific information about the topic Energy within H2020 is currently being launched, also containing a project partner search tool.

A more detailed summary of the material presented during the info day will be spread within the f3 network soon. For more information, please contact Stefan Heyne

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