Recently, we announced the first six new projects within the collaborative research program Renewable Transportation fuels and systems. With this news piece the remaining six projects that were granted funding are announced.

Svante Söderholm is a senior advisor for the Swedish Energy Agency and chairs the program council that gives recommendations for decisions on which projects to fund wihin the collaborative research program. He explains that the purpose of the program is to generate scientifically-based decision support, mainly regarding development and use of sustainable renewable fuels for road, air and sea transportation. This creates a complement to technically focused research and innovation. As a whole, the projects within the program shall view the value chain for renewable fuels systemically. According to Svante Söderholm, the twelve new projects fit well into this ambition.

Here is the full list of all new projects

  • Multi filling stations [link]
  • Circularity and security of supply – Development of methodology [link]
  • Climate impact of car travel moving towards climate neutrality [link]
  • Is liquid biogas part of the solution to greenhouse gas emissions from shipping? [link]
  • Bio-electrofuels – Technology that can offer improved resource efficiency [link]
  • Electric and fuel cell powered construction transport in cities – Analysis of systems set-up [link]
  • Most efficient use of biomass – for biofuels or electrofuels? [link]
  • Routes for production of transportation fuels via deoxygeneted biooil [link]
  • Biofuels from fast growing decidous trees – A synthesis study from biomass to fuels [link]
  • The connection between policies and biofuel production and consumtion in Europe and how it affects Sweden [link]
  • Impacts on producers and customers of conflicting rules for LCA [link]
  • Climate-positive and carbon efficient biojet fuels, are they possible? A systemic evaluation of potential and costs [link]

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