Finally we can announce the result of the spring call in the Swedish Energy Agency and f3 collaborative research program Renewable transportation fuels and systems. Nine projects where granted funds and some have already started, although most of them will start after summer. The projects cover everything from comparisons of costs and climate performance for different transportation fuels, to how choices between different fuel systems compete and relate to each other. Other projects focus on how for example stakeholders and biomass axcess are affected when systems for transport or fuel production are implemented or changed, or are concerned with development potentials for certain processes. Here is a list of all projects:
- KNOGA – Cost and risk distribution among key actors for defossilized long-haulage freight transports on road (read more)
- Future fuel choices for low-carbon shipping, aviation and road transport (read more)
- Sulfur-Free MARine LIgnin FuEls (SMARt LIFE) (read more)
- Drop-in the tank or a new tank? A comparison of costs and carbon footprint (read more)
- Future-proof biofuels through improved utilization of biogenic carbon – carbon, climate and cost efficiency (K3) (read more)
- Mitigating environmental impacts from biomass production by producing more biomass (read more)
- Implications of electrifying municipal transportation systems: Regional consequences for biogas production (read more)
- BioFlex – Bio-based flexible production of transportation fuels in a combined pyrolysis and gasification plant (read more)
- Electrolysis assisted biomass gasification for transportation fuels (read more)