As a result from the first call for projects within the cooperation program between f3 and the Swedish Energy Agency, the following nine projects were approved for funding. Please note that the titles are preliminary and that more information on each project will follow as they start up during the fall.

Methane as vehicle fuel – a gate-to-wheel study. Participants: Lund University, Luleå Technical University (LTU), AB Volvo, Scania AB, Göteborg Energi AB, and E.ON Sverige AB.

Enabling the transition to a bio-economy: Innovation system dynamics and policy. Participants: Lund University and SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden.

Public procurement as a policy instrument to support the diffusion and use of renewable transport fuels. Participants: Lund University and Linköping University

Examining systemic constraints and drivers for production of forest-derived transport biofuels. Participants: Lund University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

Optimal localization of biofuel production in Sweden, part 3 – Agriculture-based biofuels and benefits for society. Participants: Chalmers, Lund University, Bio4Energy/LTU, Linköping University, SP, Innventia, Perstorp, E:ON, Chemrec, and Sekab.

Integrated assessment of vehicle fuels with sustainability LCA – social and environmental impacts in a life cycleperspective. Participants: KTH, IVL, and Lund University.

The role of electrofuels: a cost-effective solution for future transport? Participants: Chalmers and IVL.

Fresh and stored crops – a new way to organize all-year substrate supply for a biogas plant. Participants: SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SP/JTI (Swedish Intsitute for Agricultural and Environmental Engineering), and SBI Jordberga

Biogas from agricultural wastes and residues – where and how much? Participants: Chalmers, Lund University, and SP.

Andra inlägg

Hållbarhet och plantor på tillväxt hos Södra i Falkenberg

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